
Secret Santa

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Literature Text

Image by Ghost-Angel-or-Devil
"What's Christamas?"
"WHAT!? How do you not know what Christmas is?!" Waterbug shouted at Crookedjob. Crook was confused. He wasn't very familiar with the human cultures when it came to holidays. He had only been around for Thanksgiving and the fact that they had to eat a giant bird was confusing. Waterbug sighed and sat down in Crooks hammock, picking at one of the ropes as she spoke.
"It seems that I have to once again lecture about a you'd all might as well listen." She said looking at the other mechs in the room. Swjndle chuckled at Crooks confused look and sat down beside Machinima on the torn up yet sturdy patched couch. Crook rolled his eyes and curled up on his 'special' chair. Everyone knew never to sit in his chair, because he loved it so much. It was a large leather black cushion chair that rocked if you kick it back all the way. He loved it because the leather adjusted to his body temperature and felt good on his scales, also for some strange reason, it smelled like bacon all the time. 
"Christmas is the celebration of Jesus being born and giving his life for all of ours. He is what us humans call as our savior. His father God loved the world so much, that he gave his only son to save all of us for our sins." 
"Woah woah woah...all I heard was Jesus, God and sin. I don't think you remember Buggy...but we weren't made by God..." Waterbug looked up with sadness in her eyes. They were right. Unicron and Primus were their gods. 
"Buuuut! This is our home! And think about it crook..." Swindle looked at Crook with a gentle and lovingly smile.
"Without the human's God...we wouldn't have ever been together..."
"Huh!?" Crooks eyes widened as he sat like a dog on his chair, his tail thrashing.
"Without God, there would be no Earth. If there was no earth I wouldn't of met Waterbug...also I wouldn't of met the Decepticons. Leading on, I wouldn't of met Starscream, I wouldn't of ever learned how to clone myself...Therefor, Crook. Without God, I would of never created you. No clones. And you created Blackmail and Razar and Razak. Anyway. There wouldn't be a Combatacon family..." The sewers fell quiet as they processed what they heard. Crook was stunned. 
"A-Alright...tell me more about the Crisymes thing." Waterbug giggled and sat up.
"It's Christmas. And-" 
"Might I join?" Waterbug smiled as the mutant known as Nightcrawler crawled out of the darkness and sat in the middle of the room. But his attention was drawn else where.
"Er, vheres Blackmail?" He asked with his german accent. Crook frowned and lowered his head.
"He's been in his room for 3 days now...poor little guy..."
"What happened to him?" Machinima said, his electronic voice made it a bit hard to translate.
"He had a really bad scare...a pair of rough demons who want to kill Rojira captured him. They suspected that since he was a former demon that he knew Rojiras weakness so they threatened to cut off all his fingers if he didn't tell them. Of which he didn't know so....-"
"D-Did they actually do i-it?" Swindle asked with fear in his eyes.
"No. They were about to but Razar and Razak saved him...he spent the rest of the evening cuddling in Razar's wings...." Hearing his name, Razak bounded up to Crooks chair panting and barking happily. But seeing all the sad looks, he calmed down immediately.
"Er...did you need me Crook?" Razak asked holding back his panting.
"No...we were just talking about Blackie..." Razak whimpered and curled up next to the chair, his ears perking as the sound of wings flapping got louder. Razar, the raven hybrid flew down from his perch and rested atop the head of the couch. Waterbug frowned.
"My poor widdle Chubster...I'm gonna check on him." She said getting up and walking towards Blackmails room. She slowly peaked in then stepped in and closed the door.
"Blackie? Buddy you ok?" She frowned and sat on the edge of his bed. The small teen mech was curled up under his blankets soundless and emotionless other than the rise and fall of the blankets from his breathing. She frowned and slowly pulled the covers down to look at his face. He had an emotionless look and just stared at the wall.
" poor widdle Chubster...." She hugged him, but didn't get a reaction. She was scared.
"A-Are you DEAD!?"
"Of course I'm not dead...." He said softly, keeping his emotionless stare. 
" you wanna talk about it?" No reaction.
"I guess that's a no...-" she paused as she saw a blood stained cloth around his right hand. She muttered,
"They couldn't have..." She spoke up.
"May I see it?" No reaction.
"Blink once for yes and twice for no." He blinked once. She shrugged and gently picked his dark plum purple hand up and slowly unwrapped the bandage. There was a slit on the middle joint of every finger, his pinky was especially messed up. She had a horrified expression as she held her other hand to her mouth in shock.
"B-Blackmail..." She gently turned his hand over to examine the top of his hand but luckily there wasn't any cuts there. But she had examined the the cuts were rather jagged and messy.
"D-Did they u-use a s-s-saw!?" He blinked once. After a few minutes she wrapped his hand back up and set it down, he pulled his hand under the blankets and kept his emotionless stare. Feeling a bit awkward, she looked over his shoulders and rubbed his cheek gently. He closed his eyes as she spoke.
"Well...I'm explaining to everyone what Christmas is...would you like to join us?" She frowned as he blinked twice and covered his head with the purple sleeping bag.
"Well...if you need anything, tell me hon...I love you..." She gently kissed his head and got off his bed. She had always had a sister brother relationship with him. Even though she was more of the big sister and him the little brother. She walked out of the room and curled up in the blanket.
"I think he needs some more time to think..."
(Time skip an hour later)
"So that's what Christmas is all about!" Waterbug exclaimed happily, grinning. Not only were the other mechs grinning but the children that had come out of their rooms were running around excited. Felicity, Temper and the baby Darlennox were Swindles and Waterbugs kin, Toxicity and Ivy were Crooks and his sparkmate's children. (Nightmare, Crooks sparkmate was currently in a war at the time.) 
Darly was even giggling, who was in swindles arms. The 1 year old was the youngest of the kids. With Toxicity as the eldest, 10. Machinima was 9, Temper was 8, Felicity was 7 and Ivy was 6, about to turn 7 in a month. Temper ran around the couch and chairs happily. 
"That's so cool! So some fat guy comes here to bring presents?" Being a bit mature for his age, Toxicity gave him a small slap in the head.
"That wasn't nice..." 
"Daddy! Is it true that we get presents!?" Felicity jumped onto Swindles lap, followed by Ivy causing him to grunt.
"Yes honey. It's true."
"But uncle Swindle! How does he get in!?"
"Oh he has his ways..." Waterbug smiled and winked. Being a bit worried, Crook looked at Waterbug.
"You do realize that it's December 24?" Waterbug gasped and shakily smiled at the kids.
"Er um...go to your rooms for a minute kids. Me and the grown ups need to talk..." Obediently the kids ran to their rooms, giggling and talking about how awesome Christmas was.
"Oh God...I completely forgot what day it was..." 
"But wouldn't it be tonight!?"
"What are we going to do!? It's already 7! How are we gonna even get the decorations!?" Both Swindle and Crook were freaking out. They really didn't want to ruin their kids happiness for Christmas. 
"Wh-Why don't we just do it all tomorrow!? We will spend all day decorating and getting the gifts." Swindle said, the worried expression slightly easing. 
"Good idea..." Crook murmured. Waterbug sighed.
"Ok...I'll get the kids to bed..." She was surprised to see Toxicity in the kitchen reaching for a large vase atop the fridge.
"What are you doing silly? No more cookies ok?" 
"B-But aren't we going to put them out for Santa!?" She sighed.
"Ok...but be quick..." He grinned and took four cookies and set them on a brown mini table with a cup of milk before setting a note on the table. He then scurried to his room on all fours. Waterbug tilted her head and looked at the list, her heart broke.
It was a list of all the things the kids saying than, you and what they want. She sighed and set it down before walking to Swindles room. 
It had took a lot of effort to stay in his room but he had to wait until everyone was sound asleep. Blackmail slowly crept out of room and into the living room, only guided by the small lantern in his hand. He couldn't help listening on all the things about Christmas and how happy the kids were. And if he was gonna make this the best and first Christmas of their lives, then he would have to do it right. He slowly walked out of the sewers and activated his comlink.
"Hey, sorry if I woke you up...but I need a biiiig favor."
"Sure. I was awake anyway...I'll be right over..." About 10 minutes had passed before he saw a very large gray truck pull into the driveway. It transformed into its robot form and walked to him.
"What do you need?" It took a while but Blackmail was able to explain everything he knew about Christmas and how he wanted to please his family. The large mech smiled and nodded.
"Sure, I'll help ya. But what do I do?"
"I need you to transport the stuff. I'll be needing a tree...a bunch of decorations...all that stuff. Once again thank you so much Lucifer...." Lucifer smiled. Despite being the Demon Kings second son, he was best friends with Blackmails demon side, Moon. 
"No problem. Give me a half an hour and I'll have em for ya."  
(30 min later)
Blackmail grunted as he tried to balance three big boxes in his hands but was as quiet as possible as he and Lucifer crept into the sewers. Lucifer set the tree against the wall of the living room trying different angles. His attention fell to blackmail who was digging through boxes. He smirked and put a Santa hat on the little mechs head stifling a laugh.
"Hey! Hehe." Blackmail whispered and giggled quietly.
"Well I better dad doesn't go to bed so I don't wanna anger him." 
"Ok. Thank you so much buddy." Lucifer gave the short mech a hug and walked out of the sewers. Blackmail smiled but kept the hat on. After about another hour he had just finished putting up the decorations. The tree had its ordainments and lights, the mistletoe was above the fire place and Christmas covered the sewers. There was one thing missing...
"Hmm..." He looked at the tree, brushing the puff ball on the end of his hat out of his face.
"What's missing....wait! Oh no..." He had forgotten the presents. But he still had an hour till 2 in the morning. He still had time. He walked to the mini table and began reading the note, trying to see what all the kids wanted. He smiled gently, setting his bandaged hand on his hip. He could easily tell which note was which from the writing. But as much as he tried, he couldn't keep his eyes off the plate off cookies. He hadn't had dinner and he didn't want his stomach growling, cause when it was hungry, it could be VERY loud. But he smirked as he nibbled on the third cookie. He also knew exactly what to get the grown ups. After eating all the cookies and finishing the milk he ran outside and once far away from the sewers he transformed to his alt mode. A dark purple mustang. 
Finally! He was finished wrapping the presents and had sat them under the tree. He sighed exhausted.
"This'll all be worth it...he gently tapped the present for Nightcrawler before standing up and walking into his room. But it seemed as soon as his head hit the pillow, screams and shouts of joy echoed through out the sewers. The kids ran through the rooms jumping on the beds and trying to wake up their parents. Black chuckled as he heard a grumpy growl from Crook and a mutter from Swindle but he smirked. They didn't know what he did. And then it was his turn, the kids ran into his room and jumped onto his bed. Ivy snuggled up to him under his chin and temper pulled his leg trying to pull him out of bed (of which he failed lol) 
"Ok ok I'm up kids..." Blackmail was still exhausted but he was excited to see their expressions. The kids gasped as they ran into the living room. They yelled in joy and ran all around the room. 
"This is so cool!" Temper yelled and ran into his parents room.
"Wake up wake up! Santas been here!" Swindle, slightly dazed from his rudely awoken sleep grunted.
"Ooh...Santa is asleep..." He pulled the covers over his head and fell back to snoring. Waterbug giggled but her eyes widened. 
"Wait..." Swindle gasped and jumped, he sat straight up.
"Did you say Santas been here!?"
"Yea! Check out the livin room!" Swindle jumped up and ran to the living room, his jaw dropped.
"C-CROOOOOK!" Crook jumped out of his bed and ran into the living room.
"What!? W-Woah...Swindle...what did you do?!" 
"It wasn't me!" Swindle ran to Waterbug and whispered.
"I thought you said that he doesn't actually come!" 
"H-He doesn't!" The three were confused but the kids were overcome with joy. They bounded around the tree, of which was caked with presents everywhere. Waterbugs antennas flicked as they heard a loud yawn and groan.
"What's all the racket..." Blackmail walked out of his room and stretched. At first they were confused why he wasn't surprised but once they saw the hat on his head, his playful smirk and the dark circles under his eyes, it was no secret who had done it.
"Y-You did this!?" 
"What was your first hint...?" Blackmail smirked, exhausted with his eyes half closed at swindle. Crook sat beside Black on the couch. Waterbug and Swindle also sat on the couch. Crook had a stern look.
"You have a lot of explaining to do."
"I bet it'll all be worth it..." Blackmail didn't meet Crooks glare and watched the kids happily play and bound around the presents.
"Can we open em yet uncle Crook!?" Temper exclaimed happily. 
"Why don't we take turns? Youngest to eldest." The kids grinned and agreed. Darly baby cooed happily as Toxicity brought a small red box over to him, opening it for him. It was a red and white striped candy cain. But it was a rattle and Darly grabbed and began shaking and chewing on it happily. 
"Me next!" Ivy squeaked and pulled out a red present with green ribbons. She tore it open with her claws and squealed happily. It was a remote control mouse.
"Santa DID read my letter!" She grabbed the remote and giggled happily as the rat jumped up and scampered all around. 
"Now me!" Felicity smiled and pulled a light blue present with snowmen all over it and slowly peeled it open.
"Yay!" It was a white fluffy teddy bear about as big as her. She immediately jumped on the couch and cuddled it happily. After all the kids were giggle in happiness and playing with all of their toys, it was time for the adults. 
"You first Swindy." Black pushed a very small red box to him. Swindle opened it but paused and looked at his twin brother.
"It's time Swindy..." Swindle blushed slightly but kneeled down to Waterbug who was extremely confused.
"Waterbug...." He opened to box showing a half diamond heart ring.
"Will you marry me?" 
"Y-Yes!" Black smiled as he stood up and hugged her tightly. 
"You're turn sis..." Black handed her another small box, of which she opened and slipped the other half of the heart ring onto Swindles finger. They both hugged, a few tears falling from Swindles cheek. 
"Alright you love birds. Nightcrawler. You're next." Nightcrawler got up and picked up a green box with holes in the top. He gasped as suddenly a disgusting green colored frog jumped out of it. The frog suddenly transformed into a robot and smirked.
"Hiya Nightcrawler!" It was Nightcrawler's best old friend.
"Toad!!!" He immediately jumped up and hugged the slimy mech. Despite being extremely disgusting smelling and slimy, Nightcrawler was happy to see him. An hour had passed before almost everyone has opened their presents. All accept Crook. He laid on his chair like a dog, watching everyone bubble with happiness. He looked at the tree, nothing left but present ribbons...Why hadn't he gotten anything? Black hid a small smirk as he watched a small sad frown crept onto the reptiles face.
"Oh did I, forget something?" Black smirked and pulled a red present out of his drawer. 
"I wouldn't forget about you Crooky." He smiled and pulled the red blanket on crooks chair to reveal 4 other presents. Crooks tail wagged in happiness as he hugged Blackmail.
(1 hour later)
Black smiled happily as he watched his family mingle happily. He tilted his head as Waterbug walked up to him.
"How's your hand?"
"I haven't checked it..." He slowly unwrapped the bandage but gasped. All of the scars were gone! There wasn't even the large gash on his back he had gotten from falling out of a tree!
"Hmm....I guess that's it."
"Wh-What!?" Black looked at Waterbug who had a loving smile.
"It's Jesus thanking you..."
Blackmails first christmas. And he makes it the best one ever!
(best santa ever! x3 )
© 2014 - 2024 Ghost-Angel-or-Devil
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J-Wolfe15's avatar
Very cute story.